Friday, March 18, 2011

Strange Cup of Tea

Sometimes I wake with a weary head and
I wonder how I'll ever get through
Then I think of the things you said
how you told me to
myself be true

My faith in things unseen,
My belief that it'll all work out

May seem like a
strange cup of tea
but if its all right with you 

Then it's all right with me 
Oh my feet I walk, with my legs I run
In my arms I'll hold another day

With my head I think, from my heart I sing
And with
my hand to my face I pray.

-Sister Hazel

My life is hectic.  If you remotely even know me you know that I try to fill up every possible second of every day with something to do (even when it seems like I have nothing to do). I HATE boredom! I can't stand it so much that I will do anything to escape it.  So in this past year with my graduation from college and unemployment you can imagine that I have a LOT of free time on my hands. (I seriously have seen almost every episode of every show on ABC, FOX, and the CW).  So like most Americans, even amongst my attempted hectic schedule I usually make excuses on why I don't have time to work out

This past year I was a gym/work out fanatic.  At one point I was going 6 days a week even twice a day. Woof! But then as a result of my "hectic schedule" I too fell off the wagon and succumbed to the delicious chocolate, peanut butter and cheese that overtakes my life!!  Needless to say I'm getting back on the saddle. So far this week I worked out three times so far- and while my body is sore and hurts even to the touch I feel relatively good that I got out there and moved. However do not fear loyal readers I still like every relatively normal human being have my moments where I say to myself 

What the fuck was I thinking?!?!?

  • On Tuesday when I did P90X plyometrics (supposedly this is the hardest one in the group!)
  • On Wednesday when I decided to go for a run with my 14 year old dog (who didn't move the rest of the day because she was so tired that I seriously thought I was going to be responsible for her death!)  -If I thought that I couldn't move Tuesday night I could barely bend down to kneel at church Wednesday night. (And yes I said church! I'm starting to go again!
  • On Thursday (aka St. Patty's Day- my favorite holiday) when I decided to give up drinking!
  • On Friday when I thought it would be a great idea to go running with this kid:

     at 5:00 in the MORNING!!!

I seriously was like "Ohh no big deal I'll walk/jog while he runs" (and then I can cheat and go home early if I can't do the whole thing)..... NOPE -He went with my pace the whole time and made me go the whole 3 miles around downtown Columbus! (which honestly wouldn't have been so bad if I would have worn the right shoes because now I have blisters :/ ) Note to self: Gym shoes DO NOT EQUAL  running shoes!! My gym shoes that I have worn to the gym this whole past year obviously haven't been broken in enough to go running..... poor poor feet!
  • Tomorrow because I agreed to go running with him again in the morning.... : ]

Although I have a lot of WTF moments like why I thought it was ever okay to be a smoker and try to run?!? Yeahh.... not a good mix or why tonight I had pizza for dinner?! Hmm.....
Even though this week has been rough and I can barely walk... I am thinking about how much better I'm going to feel at the end of this. How awesome its going to be leaving for Key Largo a little less heavier than I am now! Oh yeah- and of course how jealous all you BETCHES will be of my new sexy body at the end of this!!!  I knew my mind was in the right place ; ) 

So whatever your excuse may be get rid of it and look at the ultimate goal. There is no way that you can't find time out of your day to take care of yourself, even if it is at 5 AM!

Until next time lovers, 

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