Tuesday, March 8, 2011

War of my life.

I'm not running
I'm not scared
I am waiting and well prepared

All the suffering
And all the pain
Never left her name

I'm in the war of my life
I'm at the core of my life
I've got no choice but to fight 'til it's done.

So fight on, fight on everyone, fight on...
                                               -John Mayer

Hooookay so.....
I have been thinking for quite some time that I will start blogging. There have been a few reasons behind this crazy yet exciting undertaking that have hindered my starting this but also encouraged me to do so.

Numero uno:  The thought that my information will be out on public access kinda scares me.  There are creepers out there. Serious face. But then again, I'm thinking that if I get more then 5 followers I will be legit because I can't really imagine a bunch of people wanting to read this.

Dos: If I do continue with this and finish the project that I am hoping to achieve there will at time be some very vulnerable information on this... and in case you don't know me I may seem like a very open and outgoing person but there are few people out there who I really open up to... and no your probably not one of them. Sorry kids.

Anywhooo- Despite the scary and creepy facts, I have had a few of my friends that have started blogging and I just love reading their blogs and random thoughts that hit their brains at various times in their lives.  But I also like the idea that people blog about their goals in their lives or monumental changes that they are trying to make in their lives and sharing their stories..... So with that being said this is going to be a little bit of both.

I have for my whole entire life struggled with my weight.  Its not something that I talk about with people but it is something that has bothered me for quite some time.  Recently I tried out for The Biggest Loser and in writing my application and making my video I have discovered a few more things about me.  I have for the past year been really trying to lose weight, I mean really trying.  I have had trainers, paid for a gym membership, got a bunch of test done, have been on every diet made, even considered surgery but to no avail nothing stuck- I mean really something that I have stuck with. As I was sitting here analyzing why I haven't achieved my goals that I have set for myself I realize that I have no accountability to anything.  I mean seriously- I can think of 20 reasons why this or that hasn't worked but at the end of the day when I see the weight come off and then go right back on I think to myself "Well shit.... who cares anymore lets go get some beers." I don't have enough people telling me to not give up.  If fact I don't really tell anyone that I am trying to work on my "weight issue" but I'm thinking that if I put it out there, really make it public of what I'm doing then I will feel some accountability to something other than myself.  I mean what's the harm right?!  So thats what I'm going to do.  This blog will track my goals, struggles, successes and yes at times failures.  I'm giving myself a year.  One year in the life to make the physical, mental and emotional change that I am wanting and needing for my life. I'm also just going to write about anything that may come to my mind because yes, I like hearing myself talk. Problems? I didn't think so. 

So stay tuned all of my two readers.  I'm in the war of my life and I'm gonna fight till its done.  :) 


*Sidenote: I am comma crazy- I love to use then all at the inappropriate times.  I also am bad with grammar, run-on sentences, love using "!" and I don't speak spanish but like to use it when I feel like it... So if grammar mistakes/ misspelled words bothers you -STOP reading now!  I will not apologize from here on out, this is my blog and thus my world. <3

1 comment:

  1. Already read it. Already love it. Pretty sure I'm one of those said "creeps" you spoke of. And I'm ok with that. Keep on keepin' on sista! :)
